
Cell (320)316-6635


Welcome to Kai Chi Center

 (520) 329-1325
Cell (320)316-6635


Kai Chi Center

The Kai Chi Center is open for all to heal their emotional wounds and their physical pains. The local people of Tucson and the surrounding areas have really been enjoying the kinesiology classes Rachelle Murphy has been putting together.  As a team Michael and Rachelle are changing the lives of people one at a time. You too have been invited to learn to heal your soul, your body, and mind, and align your field, senses, and energies so that your past is not making you choose choices you do not want such as drugs and depression.  People practice this type of behavior and now we have to deal with medical issues on top of our stress so the Kai Chi center will be opening the doors to anyone who needs help.  Anyone who wants to take part in helping train others in the skill set they have to offer bring your body and let’s work as a team; we want you to join us! Call and find out more how you can help change the direction of how this world is going.


Healing Center

When I we areTeaching Radiokinesis brings Joy to all who seek more information! 

Learning Radiokinesis

Rachelle Murphy Has put together a lot of classes to help people in the Kai Chi Center to work. As we find people who have skills in the health field we help them put together a system that allows their ability’s to come to life.

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